Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (2014) (23)’

Concerto for violin and orchestra – Program notes and recording.

Concerto for violin and orchestra
I. Viaje a la semilla (the journey back to the source)

The first movement Viaje a la semilla (the journey back to the source) takes his title from an essay by Alejo Carpentier. Carpentier starts from an idea “What if we could live our lives backwards?” The story answers that, living forward or living backward, we end in the same place: clay returns to clay. What is important, then, is not the source but rather the journey, the stories people spin out during their lifetime”

II.   Les Voix Intérieures  (Inner voice)  (after Rodin’s sculpture)

The second movement Les Voix Intérieures  was inspired by the Sculpture with the same title, created by Rodin in 1896. Rainer Maria Rilke, wrote of it, …’again and again in his figures Rodin returned to this bending inward, to this intense listening to one’s own depth… a human body assembled to such an extent about its inner self, so bent by its own soul’.

III. Eliofania alta (homage to Caribbean light, and life)

The third movement Eliofania alta is an homage to Caribbean light, and life. eliofania (from the greek elios (sun) + phaino (manifestation)) measures the amount of son light in a geographic zone during a period of time. Bright colors and intense sun light always come to my memory when I think of the landscape and life of the region where I grew up. This movement evokes that landscape with its sound world and timbres.




This Concerto was written and premiered by Joanna Kurkowicz and the Berkshire Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ronal Feldman .